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Recent Comments ^1.12.3

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal, it will generate a recentcomments folder under the source folder, which contains the file.

    hexo new page recentcomments
  2. Replace the content in with the following:

    title: Recent Comments
    date: 2023-11-01 13:43:20
    type: recentcomment
    cover: ""
    desc: Recent Comments
    leftend: ""
    rightend: ""
  3. Modify the configuration file

    # Recent Comments
    # 前置要求:需配置最近评论页面和评论,否则显示为空
    # Pre-requirements: recent comments page needs to be configured and commented, otherwise it will be displayed as empty
      enable: true
      # 评论数
      # Number of comments
      limit: 50 # ⚠️ Waline only supports a maximum of 50 comments
      # 缓存时间
      # Cache time
      cache: 0.2 # Unit: day
      page: /recentcomments/ # recent comments page
      img: /img/recent_c.avif # image displayed in the console (leave empty to hide)