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Basic Comment Configuration


# Comment
  use: # waline, twikoo, valine, artalk
  commentBarrage: false # Hot comment switch
  lazyload: false # Lazy loading
  count: false # Display comment count
  avatar: # Source for fetching avatars for hot comments
  newest_comment: # Newest comments
    enable: false
    storage: .2 # Cache time
  • use: The comment system to use. You can specify up to two comment systems here. Leave it blank if you don't want to use any comment system.
  • commentBarrage: Enable the hot comment barrage. When enabled, the comments will appear in a loop at the bottom right of the page.
  • lazyload: Enable lazy loading. When enabled, the comments will only be loaded when needed.
  • count: Display the comment count. When enabled, the number of comments will be shown on the article page.
  • avatar: Source for fetching avatars for hot comments, such as gravatar or cravatar.
  • newest_comment: Enable the display of newest comments in the console. Requires console_plus to be enabled.