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Music Hall

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal, it will generate a music folder under the source folder, which contains the file.
    hexo new page music
  2. Replace the content in with the following:
    title: Music Hall
    date: 2023-12-11 21:36:08
    type: music
    comment: false
  3. Modify the theme configuration file
    # -------------------------
    # meeting-api, used for music capsules and music halls in the interface, can customize api, do not move if you don't know.
    meting_api: #custom api
    # Music hall
      enable: true
      # Music ID: playlist ID / album ID / singer ID
      id: 1994908354
      # Music service provider. netease: Netease Cloud / tencent: Tencent / kugou: Kugou / xiaomi: Xiaomi / baidu: Baidu
      server: netease
      # Type of playlist. song: Single / playlist: Playlist / album: Album / artist: Singer
      type: playlist
      # Initial volume. 0.8 = 80%, range 0 to 1
      volume: 0.8
      # Whether to enable mutex mode, that is, only one player can play at the same time
      mutex: true