Jike Short Essay
- Enter the following command in the terminal, it will generate an essay directory under the source folder, which contains the index.md file.
hexo new page essay
- Replace the content in index.md with the following:
title: Jike Short Essay
date: 2023-11-01 13:43:20
type: says
cover: ""
desc: Sharing the small joys of life
leftend: ""
rightend: ""
- Add a _data folder under the source folder and create a file named essay.yaml. The content below is a template, add according to the requirements.
- content: Video playback test!
date: 2023-10-31 15:32
bilibili: BV1Cv4y1p717
- content: Music playback test!
date: 2023-10-31 15:32
server: netease
id: 571340283
- content: Theme discussion group has been established!
date: 2023-10-31 15:32
- https://7.isyangs.cn/1/65e9de42e32cd-1.png
link: https://efu.me/
Parameter | Description |
content | Text content |
date | Publication date, recommended format is 2022/10/26 08:00:00 |
image | Image links, multiple images can be added |
link | Link button in the bottom left corner, fill in the URL |
aplayer.server | Music player service provider, options are netease / tencent |
aplayer.id | Song ID, for example: https://music.163.com/#/song?id=571340283 , the number after song?id= |
video.player | Native video player, fill in your video link directly |
video.bilibili | Bilibili player, fill in the BV number |